Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin

Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin

Credit: Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin

Credit: Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin


Street Address:
1 Hope Drive
Tustin, CA - 92782
Open Google Maps
Phone: (714) 247-0300

Opening Hours

Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin hours of operation
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
closed -
closed -


Please visit Hurtt Family Health Clinic - Tustin's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Preventative Care: Immunizations, physicals (school, sports, and employment), breast and cervical cancer screenings, Mammograms, laboratory exams excluding drug testing, assist patients with MSI applications.
Family Medicine: Primary care, chronic disease management- diabetes, asthma, hypertension, acute care non emergent illness care, low cost specialty referrals as needed.
Education: Patient and Family Chronic Illness Management, sexually transmitted disease risk reduction, smoking and addiction referrals and advice, personal hygiene and nutrition. Free and low cost health insurance applications.
Pediatric: Well Child Exams, Immunizations
Dental & Vision

Medical & Dental services are seen on the basis of a Sliding Scale Fee. We can provide enrollment assistance for Covered California health plans. Accepted insurances include: CalOptima, Medicare, Arta Western/Talbert/HeatlhCare Partners, CHOC Health Alliance, Monarch HealthCare, Noble, Prospect Medical Group, HPN-Regal Medical Group/ADOC, St. Joseph Heritage. If your client is homeless with no resources, we will still provide care/referrals.

Hours: Mon-Fri: 7 am - 5 pm
Closed on weekends.

Hurtt Family Health Clinic provides highly accessible, preventative, primary and specialized healthcare to homeless and underserved families through a full service medical, dental, vision, mental health, chiropractic, and health education facility.

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