South Central Rehab Center

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Credit: South Central Rehab Center


Street Address:
232 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT - 06519
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Phone: 203-503-3300


Please visit South Central Rehab Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

South Central Rehabilitation Center is a multi-disciplinary, integrated healthcare facility providing evidenced based medicine for the treatment of chemical dependency, mental illness, and primary medical conditions (especially the infectious complications of addiction such as HIV and hepatitis C) in New Haven, Connecticut. They provide specialty care in each of these domains.

First, they provide state-of-the art treatments for chemical dependency through the use of methadone and buprenorphine maintenance for the treatment of opioid dependence. Additionally, pharmacological treatments for alcohol, cocaine, and nicotine dependence are incorporated into the chemical dependency treatment there. As part of the chemical dependency treatments, they operate a regional 29 bed medically-monitored detoxification facility. Triage of individuals seeking detoxification is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Second, they provide treatment for mental illness including pharmacological therapies and skilled mental health counseling. Third, they provide primary care including HIV and hepatitis C specialty care. This is one of only a few addiction medicine programs in the USA that has integrated these complex treatments to improve patient outcomes.

This facility has a multi-disciplinary staff including medical providers, psychiatry, social work, counseling and nursing. The providers work with the SCRC Medical Director around patient treatment protocols, policy and procedures. A Program Director is available 24 hours a day to oversee administrative issues, and works in concert with the Medical Director to ensure that standards of care are adhered to within the facility.

They are accredited by The Joint Commission and licensed by SAMHSA as an Opioid Treatment Program.


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