Camillus Health Services

Camillus Health Services

Credit: Building

Credit: Camillus Health Services


Street Address:
336 NW 5th Street
Miami, FL - 33128
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Phone: (305)374-1065


Please visit Camillus Health Services's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Camillus Health hours are as follows:

Monday & Tuesday 8:15 am-4:30 pm

Wednesday 11:45 am-8:00 pm

Thursday & Friday 8:15 am-4:30 pm


To make an appointment, please call 305.577.4840 ext. 106.

If your call is after-hours, please leave a message and a staff member will return your call within 24 hours.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.

Hearing impaired patients may call TTY 305.373.8251.

Walk-In Services

Walk-in medical visits are available at the following times:

Monday ' 8:15 am

Tuesday ' 8:15 am

Wednesday ' 11:45 am

Thursday ' 8:15 am

Friday ' 8:15 am

CAMILLUS HEALTH is a private, non-profit organization that provides comprehensive health care, behavioral health and social services to the homeless and poor in Miami-Dade County.


Services encompass a broad spectrum of health care, including preventive care, episodic care for acute illness, chronic disease management, and specialty and surgical referrals as needed. A full dispensary service provides medications at no cost for those who have no other resource.


A full range of services is available to pediatric patients, including primary health care, immunizations, health maintenance, disease prevention, and education. Special attention is given to parent education and participation in the health outcomes of their children.


Women's Health Services focuses on health maintenance and prevention, providing cervical and breast cancer screenings. Women are educated on the importance of early detection, including how to perform breast self-exams. Follow-up care and referrals for mammography are provided as needed.


Camillus Health has its roots in medical outreach when, in 1984, dedicated volunteer doctors took healthcare to homeless persons on the streets. The program incorporates engagement, needs-assessment, treatment and intervention, referrals and transportation. Medical services are provided at sites frequented by persons experiencing homelessness, including shelters and meal programs. Additionally, outreach is conducted by canvassing various street sites.


Services include preventive and basic services, dental hygiene and education, temporary restorations (fillings), gum treatment, x-rays, extractions and dentures.


A comprehensive podiatry service, a critical component of disease prevention and management, especially for diabetic patients, is available as part of Camillus' health care program.


Volunteers provide on-site subspecialty services, including dermatology and physical therapy. Additionally, other subspecialty referrals are made through Mercy Hospital's Reach Out Miami Program.


A dedicated staff of volunteer psychologists and interns have been providing direct, on-site mental health services since 1991. The program provides clinical psychology, psychiatric services, and medication management. Behavioral health services are fully integrated with primary health care, ensuring continuity of care for patients.


A full range of case management services includes housing placement, employment referrals, supportive counseling, and assistance in accessing benefits.

For information about the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace, please call our Certified Application Counselors at 305-577-4840, Option 9.


To facilitate access to care, Transportation Services includes van transportation, taxi, and tokens for the bus and metro rail.


Building screenshot NFL Sisters in Service Inc IG Camillus Health Services
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