Mercy Primary Care Center

Mercy Primary Care Center

Credit: screenshot

Credit: Mercy Primary Care Center


Street Address:
5555 Conner
Detroit, MI - 48213
Open Google Maps
Phone: (313) 692-8400

Opening Hours

Mercy Primary Care Center hours of operation
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
closed -
closed -


Please visit Mercy Primary Care Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Extended Hours Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Medical Services
Our goal is to provide quality medical services to those adults who either lack health insurance or are underinsured. Our services are tailored to meet the primary medical needs of the community. Medical problems or complex medical conditions are referred to a network of local health specialists. Should patients need to be admitted to a hospital, we can refer to local hospitals.
Services provided within the center include:
Primary care visits
Select lab testing
Select diagnostic imaging
Health education
Select specialty referrals
Mental health visits

New Patient Information

v Enrollment is currently open at this time.
v Phones open at 8:30 a.m. We will not take anyone at the front door.
v The phone number is: (313) 692-8400. We only take one person per call.
v If you get a busy signal, please continue to call back again
v During registration, we will take your name, birth date and phone number. We will then call you back within a week or two to set up your first appointment.
v You must be a City of Detroit resident between the ages of 18 and 64, have no health insurance and are not assigned a medical home under VODI (Voices of Detroit).
PATIENT INFORMATION: Once you become a patient at MPCC, please bring the following information with you at your first visit and every six months thereafter:
v A valid picture ID: State of Michigan ID OR Michigan Driver's License OR Passport.
v Employer Letter: If you are working, a letter from your employer on their letterhead stating that you are an employee and not receiving health insurance through your workplace.
v Proof of household income: A current year 1040 Federal Income Tax Form (only needs to be shown once a year).
v If you DO NOT have a current 1040, you will need to sign an IRS 4506-T form, a document that lets us confirm with the IRS that you did NOT file.
Please note: The 4506 -T (non-filing of Income tax form) must be completely filled out. If you sign a 4506-T Form and we find out that you did file taxes and therefore falsified this document, you will be discharged from the center.
v One of the following documents listed below will be required when signing a 4506-T Form and should be brought in annually when you are due to renew your paperwork:
o A current year W-2 Form, for all wage earners in the household. If you do not have one, then:
o A current year Social Security/Disability Statement, for anyone in the household who has one. If you do not have this, then:
o A current year pension (Retirement Income Statement), for anyone in the household who has one. If you do not have this, then:
o Two current unemployment income receipts (if you are currently receiving unemployment benefits). If you do not have this, then:
o A current year FIA letter (Family Independence Agency) showing $0.00 income or Food Stamp award letter (both of these are a six-month update requirement):
§ If your FIA letter shows any amount in the income portion, you must bring in proof of that income.
§ If your FIA letter shows $0 in the income portion, you will need a letter from the person who is supporting you financially stating the average dollar amount they contribute for your support. It will need to include the date, their relationship to you, their phone number and signature.
v If you currently have no income ($0.00), we will need a letter from the person who is supporting you financially stating the average dollar amount they contribute for your support. It will need to include the date, their relationship to you, their phone number and signature. This will need to be updated every six months.
v Failure to bring all of the above items or sign needed forms at the next office visit will result in having to reschedule the appointment. You will also be required to update the patient demographic sheet when needed.


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