Caldwell County Health Department

Caldwell County Health Department

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Credit: Caldwell County Health Department


Street Address:
2345 Morganton Blvd.
Lenoir, NC - 28645
Open Google Maps
Phone: (828) 426-8400

Opening Hours

Caldwell County Health Department hours of operation
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
closed -
closed -


Please visit Caldwell County Health Department's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

All Services are by appointment only, please call ahead or stop by the office to schedule an appointment (same day appointments are limited).
Interpreters are available to assist you if needed.

The Dental Clinic's goal is to provide education, prevention, and dental treatment services for children in Caldwell County. The clinic is available for children birth until 19 years of age that have Medicaid or Health Choice coverage that resides in either county, Call 426-8525 for appointment.

Dental Services provided are:
examinations (including x-rays)
cleanings and fluoride treatments
sealant applications
fillings (silver and tooth-colored)
referral to specialist when indicated

Men's Health
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All appointments are scheduled. Please call 828-426-8400 to make an appointment. All calls are taken in the order received. Please do not hang up.
Free Interpreter services are available!
On the second Wednesday of the month, we are closed in the morning for a monthly staff meeting.
On that day, we start accepting calls for appointments at 9:30 a.m.
Clinic Appointments must be made for:
Prenatal Appointments
Physical Exams
Return Visits (requested by your provider)
Physical Exam appointments for Family Planning can be scheduled in advance.
If you are sick and needs an appointment to be seen, but the schedule is already full when you call, you will be given the first available time slot or your call may be routed to the triage nurse on call.
If you walk in without an appointment, the triage nurse will have to evaluate you and determine if you will be able to be seen same day or if you will have to schedule an appointment for next day.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. If you arrive late, we may have to reschedule your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call ahead to cancel.
Payment Information
Cash, check, and some insurance plans are accepted for payment. We also accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards or debit cards for payment.
If you have Medicaid or another health insurance, please bring your insurance card with you.
If you have no health insurance, you may be eligible for our sliding fee scale which is based on income and family size.

Child Health Services
Child Health Services include a number of outreach and clinical programs. For more information about our CC4C and School Health services please call (828) 426-8507. For more information on our Child Health Clinical Services or Vaccines for Children call (828) 426-8400.

Child Health Clinic Services
Children are seen by appointment for clinic services. Call 828-426-8400 to make an appointment.
Immunizations- do not forget to bring any other vaccine records for your appointment, with or without insurance
Well check visits- history and physical
Day care, kindergarten and sports physicals
Developmental Screenings
Screening for sickle cell anemia, lead (if applicable)
College Physicals
Hearing and Vision Screening with physicals
Sick Visits
Tobacco prevention
Spanish interrupters
Resources for parents
Safety guidelines
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Appointments & Payment
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All appointments are scheduled. Please call 828-426-8400 to make an appointment. All calls are taken in the order received. Please do not hang up.
Free Interpreter services are available!
On the second Wednesday of the month, we are closed in the morning for a monthly staff meeting.
On that day, we start accepting calls for appointments at 9:30 a.m.
If your child is sick and needs an appointment to be seen, but the schedule is already full when you call, you will be given the first available time slot or your call may be routed to the triage nurse on call.
If you and your child walk in without an appointment, the triage nurse will have to evaluate you and determine if you will be able to be seen same day or if you will have to schedule an appointment for next day.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. If you arrive late, we will have to reschedule your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call ahead to cancel.
*** Parents or legal guardian (with paperwork) have to be present for children under 18 yrs of age.
Cash, check, and most insurance plans are accepted for payment. We also accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards or debit cards for payment.
If your child has Medicaid or is on another health insurance, please bring their insurance card with you.
Beginning Sept. 1st, 2015 Caldwell County Health Department will require all clients presenting for service to provide proof of income. Income will be assessed annually unless there is a change in financial status. Clients will be asked at each visit if there has been a change in financial status/number in the household.
Clients who have met the income criteria for the following programs (i.e., Medicaid, WIC, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Program (Food Stamps) and/or the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program) will only be required to show documentation of currently eligibility and no additional income screening will be necessary.
NO client will be refused services when presenting for care based on lack of documentation, however each client will be billed at 100% until proof of income and family size is provided to the agency.

Women's Health

Monday - Friday  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All appointments are scheduled. Please call 828-426-8400 to make an appointment. All calls are taken in the order received. Please do not hang up.
Free Interpreter services are available!
On the second Wednesday of the month, we are closed in the morning for a monthly staff meeting.
On that day, we start accepting calls for appointments at 9:30 a.m.
Pregnancy tests are by appointment only:
Appointments for pregnancy tests are available on Monday- Friday during normal business hours.
Clinic Appointments must be made for:
    Prenatal Appointments
    Physical Exams
    Return Visits (requested by your provider)
Physical Exam appointments for Family Planning can be scheduled in advance.
If you are sick and needs an appointment to be seen, but the schedule is already full when you call, you will be given the first available time slot or your call may be routed to the triage nurse on call.
If you walk in without an appointment, the triage nurse will have to evaluate you and determine if you will be able to be seen same day or if you will have to schedule an appointment for next day.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. If you arrive late, we may have to reschedule your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call ahead to cancel.

Payment Information
Cash, check, and some insurance plans are accepted for payment. We also accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards or debit cards for payment.
If you have Medicaid or another health insurance, please bring your insurance card with you.
If you have no health insurance, you may be eligible for our sliding fee scale which is based on income and family size. To apply for the sliding fee scale, please bring proof of income for your household. We accept paycheck stubs, a letter from the employer stating hours worked and wages, or last year's income tax form. Until we receive this information, we will charge the full amount for our service.
Beginning Sept. 1st, 2015 Caldwell County Health Department will require all clients presenting for service to provide proof of income. Income will be assessed annually unless there is a change in financial status. Clients will be asked at each visit if there has been a change in financial status/number in the household.
Clients who have met the income criteria for the following programs (i.e., Medicaid, WIC,  Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Program (Food Stamps) and/or the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program) will only be required to show documentation of currently eligibility and no additional income screening will be necessary.
NO client will be refused services when presenting for care based on lack of documentation, however each client will be billed at 100% until proof of income and family size is provided to the agency.


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